Admission Agreement Review

When was the last time your facility’s admission agreements were reviewed for contractual and/or regulatory compliance? Have you accounted for recent changes in licensure requirements that may impact on those contractual arrangements with residents? For example:

  • For nursing facility providers, is your admission agreement compliant with the updated Department of Health licensure regulations that became effective on July 1, 2023?
  • For personal care homes and assisted living residences, is your admission agreement in compliance with the Department of Human Services’ guidance on the use of voice-controlled electronic devices?
  • In the CCRC/residential living setting, are there operational issues that you would like to explore possibly addressing in your CCRC/residential living agreement or changes to your refund options that should be memorialized?

Now that a new year is here, we recommend that you consider having your admission agreements reviewed and updated for any relevant changes in the law, and to address any operational issues you may have identified through experience and implementation. We provide assistance on CCRC, personal care, assisted living and nursing care admission agreements.    

If you would like assistance with reviewing and/or revising your admission agreements, please contact Dayna E. Mancuso, Esq. ( at 717-620-2424.