HHS Announces Another Round of Federal Funding for SNFs

This week the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced plans to distribute a total of $5 billion in new funds to eligible skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) nationwide.  Once again, this new SNF-targeted distribution will be made via the federal Provider Relief Fund under the CARES Act.

HHS will issue the funds to build nursing home skills and enhance nursing homes’ responses to COVID-19, including enhanced infection control.  The funds may be used to hire additional staff, to implement infection control “mentorship” programs with subject matter experts, to increase testing, and to provide additional services such as technology so that residents can connect with their families if they are unable to visit.

Nursing homes must participate in the Nursing Home COVID-19 Training to become qualified to receive this new funding.  This new on-demand, online and self-paced training will focus on infection control and best practices with 23 educational modules that include materials on co-horting strategies and using telehealth in nursing homes to assist in addressing the effects of COVID-19 in nursing facilities.

We will continue to monitor this new program as more details are announced. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have regarding this program or other components of the Provider Relief Fund.
